Recently, Haohua Yuhang Chemical Company and Japan’s Denka exchanged notes on the application of dry-method acetylene technology. The two sides reached an agreement to cooperate, making Haohua the first pilot company of Denka’s promotion of the technology in China.
In recent years, China’s PVC industry has witnessed rapid capacity growth, and the carbide-method still predominates during the development. The method, when following the “wet method,” consumes lots of water and the discharged carbide waste is highly noisome, and it monopolizes considerable land. The “dry method,” however, with its prominent advantages of energy and water efficiency, as well as carbide wastes recyclability, makes it a key approach in the carbide-method PVC industry.
Haohua Yuhang is ChemChina’s key chloralkali enterprise, with annual PVC capacity of 650,000 tons. To make itself meet the requirements of being a first-class international basic chemicals producer, Haohua proactively engaged in the introduction of advanced technologies, like dry-method acetylene production. Its cooperation with Denka, applying water recycling technologies and DENKA dry-method acetylene reactors, will bring down water consumption by over 90% and water content of carbide wastes to 10% from 40%, raise acetylene recovery rate by 2 percentage points, and save approximately 10 million yuan per year.