In recent years, Jiangxi Xinghuo Organic Silicon Plant has improved its performance, achieving great results. In 2009, it had gained 13.04 million yuan in earnings from continual improvement. The company made 26 million yuan in profits in 2010, and is expected to generate 20 million yuan in 2011. The admirable results are a result of the continued efforts of all staff workers at the plant.
As one of the four pilot enterprises of BlueStar Corporation, Xinghuo plant launched the Lean Six Sigma project in 2008. The plant introduced the Lean Six Sigma management concepts and knowledge. It has also cultivated a group of experienced talents and officials who are capable of driving improvement and innovation capacities. Its team of green-belt and black-belt personnel has grown from four in 2008 to the current 83 persons, with coverage rate climbing from less than 0.3 percent to over 4 percent. It has basically met the grade-three norms of evaluation in Chinese chemical industry for sustaining improvement capacity.
In the course of proceeding with the black-belt and green-belt projects, the plant has launched an all-round continuous promotion campaign to fully mobilize all staff to have a hand in the effort. In the wake of the yellow-belt training program, many staff said they honestly felt a sense of incessant and progressive improvement. Success does not necessarily mean doing earthshaking work. We may start with small matters. We believe in taking small steps to make some ground towards overall success. Under the philosophy that success exists everywhere, many staff workers have taken the initiative to participate in yellow-belt training and projects, in line with actual situations of their posts. The plant has implemented nearly 300 yellow-belt projects covering all staff workers. Those who have finished the yellow-belt projects have yielded remarkable results. Zou Yongjia, deputy chief of the finance section, directed the yellow-belt project of Flexibly Utilizing Floating Capital to Save Financial Costs. The project continually strives for improved financial management and saves 200,000 yuan for the plant each year. You Guofeng, a technician of the organic silicon subsidiary plant carried out the yellow-belt project of Guaranteeing 70,000-ton Synthesis Waste Heat Boiler Operation Liquid Level to solve the instability problem of waste heat boilers, which hinders synthesis of organic silicon. Luo Xianglin, technician of the motive power subsidiary plant, implemented the yellow-belt project of Improving Coal Supply Pipe Form. The project has solved the problem of low efficiency in coal supply and reduced labor costs. It has also slashed coal consumption by reshaping coal supply pipes into square shapes and altering air supply directions, especially during long rainy seasons in the south, damp coal, frequent jam in coal supply pipes, and high coal consumption.