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SASAC supervisory board director visits ChemChina

来源: ChemChina

Gao Fengtao, head of the board of SASAC, paid a visit to five ChemChina companies, including Haohua Yuhang, Aeolus, and Bluestar Dongda, Sept 5 – 12, at each of which he got a brief introduction to production methods, operations, and management, as well as the challenges they face. Gao and his team visited their shops and project construction sites and commented favorably about their development, while making a few suggestions on how to improve things, while explaining that research, production and management are the key supervisory items.

He added that the board will pay more attention to the companies’ investment, finance, legal, safety and corruption problems and pay close attention to their supervision, evaluations, and guidance, while emphasizing that the companies need to give more attention to safe production, energy conservation and environmental protection, social responsibilities, Party development, and education, and continue with their reforms to face market challenges. He went on to say that with economic pressures, the companies need to change their development mode, improve management, cut costs, and increase efficiency to ensure growth. They also need more technical renovations, diverse product range, and more added value output and should focus on cultivating talented people, a clean work style, and developing a well-known, innovative business. Gao concluded by saying that, in spite of the tough market situation, the companies have put in a good performance, thanks to joint efforts and that h hopes they will keep up the development momentum and achieve even more.

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